Victim assistance in the context of mines and explosive remnants of war

Publication date 1 July 2014 Category
  • Conflicts and disasters
  • Rehabilitation
  • Assistance
  • Conflicts and Disasters
  • War
Publishing organisation Handicap International

This policy paper aims to consolidate a victim assistance culture in the organization. It purports to expand our view to consider whether there is mine/explosive remnants of war contamination in the countries in which we work and what situation is being faced by its victims.

This paper presents background information on victim assistance; reveals how it is rooted in two instruments of international humanitarian law and guided by the Convention of Rights of Persons with Disabilities; resumes the current situation in terms of our day-to-day interventions and lays out a vision of victim assistance that is in line with our 2011 – 2015 strategy. In addition, it provides answers to some “frequently asked questions (FAQs) on victim assistance” that deal with potentially sensitive issues. Overall, it aims to contribute to a common position and coherent communication on victim assistance among Handicap International staff, whether at the operational, advocacy, communication or campaigning level and to instigate new ways of operating in order to capitalize on the opportunity presented by victim assistance at this point in time.

Also available in French